Matching Pre-Amp for Audio Aero Capitole MKII ?


Does anyone have suggestions as to a good pre-amp, which will match the Audio Aero Capitole MKII CD Player.

Currently, I have the CD player connected direct into a Krell KSA250 Amp and provides what I think is reasonable soundstage, good bass slam and detail utilising Pure Silver XLR interconnects.

I'm wondering if using a good pre-amp (SS or Tube) will somehow enhance the Soundstage and provide even greater performance.

Putting another obstacle in the signal path is probably not the way to go. IF you're not getting your soundstage, it's not the fault of that CD player.
I'd be looking at:
- speaker positioning
- cables (you didn't say whose cables you're using)
- your amp
An Atma-Sphere preamp will probably expand your soundstage in a big way. I love mine. For digital only I would personally go in a different direction, but I don't wish to keep repeating myself and give the appearance of being a shill.
Tube pre could change the sound for you, that alone may make you happy. I don't think it will give you greater performance though. I agree with Golden_ears on the soundstage, move the speakers around a bit. I have a Krell ksa-250 with Bent audio Tvc and have great soundstage. Most Capitole owners say that the volume control in the player is a good one so I would play with the speakers and maybe some room tweaks first.