Amplifier Recommendation for B&W Nautilis 804

I currently have N804's driven by Musical Fidelity a3CR amp and preamp. While I like the sound, I am finding the combo a bit lacking in weight, particularly in the bottom end. I'd like to see a little more punch in the music without losing detail that the a3 is known for. The A3cr is 125 watts into 8 ohms, and the 804's are rated from 50-200 watts into 8 ohms. I would spend up to 3000 for a noticable improvement.

Does anyone have a similar setup and/or any suggestions? Thanks.
I agree with you Bombay, the Nautilus speaker do need good clean power and a lot of it. I will also second, or third, the Sound Anchor stands, big difference.
I have been very happy with Cary SLP 2002 & V12 driving my N804s in triode @50wpc in my 11'x13'room. N804s are made for small rooms like mine. For tweaks, remove speaker and tweeter covers. Tweeter covers are magnetic attached. The Sound Anchor stands tighten bass.
I agree with Bombaywalla on Pass Labs amps. I had N802's and drove them with a Pass X250. It was a great match. I also had N804's prior to getting the N802's. I drove the N804's with a Krell FPB200 and a McCormack DNA2. I was never disappointed in the bass of these amps with the N804's, but the Pass X250/N802 combo was very special from top to bottom.
How 'bout just buying a new house with better acoustics? Cheaper than upgrades..? ;-)
A common complaint about the B&W 804 Nautilus is their lack of weight.

A solution to this is to have them sit on granites stands made by HNE. They cost around US$500 here in the UK but they make a huge difference to bass weight and overall integration of bass with the mids. Without the stands, I find the 804s lacking bass weight and its bass timing somewhat odd. I certainly think that these stands are essential for the 804Ns to sound good.