Looking for an amazing preamp under $700 used

This is probably a wish list for the ultimate preamp, but here goes.

1) SS preamp or hybrid (with 1 tube) max
2) Warmer, smoother sound that doesn't squash the details.
3) Having a processor loop or unity gain for tying in to HT system (great plus, but not essential)
4) Musical, with air and timbral integrity
5) Remote would be nice (but not essential)
6) Under $700 for a quality used piece.

So far I'm considering the Audiolab 8000, Mccormack TLC-1, Audio Research SL3, Forte 44, audio refinement (3.5?).

Can anyone help me narrow the list or add units I haven't considered?

I will vote on ARC LS3. I was using ARC LS3 (SS) before and have upgraded to Reference II (tube). From the bottom to the top. Although LS-3 is an ARC's lowest preamp model, it is still maintaining ARC's brand name standard that you can trust. It is well built with pretty good quality one in your price range. I believe the used LS3 (RCA only) runs just around $700.
odyssey has a new pre with ht pass thru its not on the sight so call klaus-275$ with optional remote150$ more i think , it was well recieved in montreal and at the mid west audio fest. i am thinking about one myself