Recommendation Tube amp to drive Revel Studio

I need a good tube amp to go with my CJ pre to drive this hungry revel studio speaker, any info will be greatly appreciated.
I have Salons and I know how good they can and do sound! Like Kr4, I had SF Power 3's but felt like the Salons were being held back.I tried several SS amps (200wpc Sim, Levinson 336). The realism just was not there. I found a Berning ZH-270 and now the music just poors out with great speed,tight bass,midrange female vocals to impress just about anyone and no rolling off of the upper end.
I don't own Salons but the ZH-270 is easily the best buy for a speaker of this type.

Also Consider 845 Based SET's.
Thank you for your response, I am having problem thinking about the Berning since it is only 70 watts and weight 10 lbs can drive the revel.
y.our best bet is to get a cj tube or ss amp....the revels need a brute of an amp to perform on those low notes...cj products go to a whole new level when used together.
I wouldn't worry about the Berning. It can drive huge sound labs speakers. It also has an A/B switch so when your changing pre-amps you can still listen to music or better yet sell your pre-amp and run and audio aero straight into the Berning.

If you don't like it you won't loose much on re-sale, they allmost sell for more than what they cost.

Forget about solid state, don't waste the money on a CJ, the berning has 4 feedback settings and a 70 watt rating that sound better then a sim w-3's 200 watts.

This is prolly equall to about 300 watts IMO as far as command of a speaker. If you have the money do some searches on the Berning here and at the asylum in the tube forums you just might be able to save yourself a few years of dissapointment.

Thats all I have to say, do search for yourself and tell me I'm wrong yes I have heard the amp ZH-270 and it was the best I've heard bar none even mega buck amps.