Musical Fidelity A3 or Pass Labs Aleph 30

Due to my location I'm unable to audition both amplifier. I'm using a Triangle Titus in a 13x16 room, would prefer neutrality and/or purity of sound above anything else(got tired of the home theater stuff). Can anyone make a direct comparison between the two, or recommend a better amplifier around $1000-$1500 range(new or used), that will go well with the Titus.
I appreciate any/all inputs,
Pairing the Triangle's with an MF product will result in an overtly lean presentation in my opinion. The Aleph will surely sound warmer and fuller but it too lacks the extreme bottom end. If i had to choose between the two of them with your specific speakers, the Aleph would win.

Other than that, why not list some of your other support components, the types of music that you listen to, etc... It might give others enough info to make suitable reccomendations. Sean
I had Titus 202's, and tried them both with a MF A3cr and an Aleph 3. The Aleph definitely sounded better - warmer, more well rounded.
Presently, I'm using a Yamaha receiver and a Titus/Bose for front /sourround. I want to set-up a second separate system in which i could just sit back relax and enjoy good music, even on low level volume.

I mostly listen to soft, jazz, R&B, acoustics, classic, vocals. Would like to start off with an amplifier-speaker combination, around $2k budget. Found an Aleph 30 for $1399 and $1099 for the A3cr(audiogon). Would prefer a front ported bookshelf speaker, as space is an important cosideration(and also, i'm not bass freak).

Any suggestions, best music for around $2k.