Lamm ML2 Vs Tenor 75

I have listened to both amps in different environments and have enjoyed both immensely but have never had the opportunity to A/B them. Are the performance differences between them so small that comparisons are pointless or are there real distinctions worth noting?
On safety ...

I listened extensively to Tenor/Kharma and Lamm/Kharma in a controlled environment. I chose Tenor despite my own conerns about OTL safety. It seems one of the output tubes in one of my Tenors was, unbeknownst to me, damaged in shipment. As a result, shortly after setting up my system, the damaged tube arced or something (blue flash, loud pop, very scary). No damage whatsoever resulted to my Kharmas. After getting replacement tubes, the sound is magic.
I second Txlef. I have gone through 8 amps
in the last couple years and stopped with the
Tenor 75's in combination with Verity Parsifals.
I have a grin everytime I turn them on. These
amps are used between 8 to 14hrs every day with
no problems.
Does anyone have experience with the Tenors driving Quad 989's? Although the Quad is relatively efficient, does the impedance, rated "nominal 8 ohms", but I fear lower, create a potential problem for the Tenors?
Also, does anyone have an amp recommendation for the Quad?
The Lamm's?


Louis- Wait a few months and the Tenor Hybrids will be available- stunning to say the least. I am very seldom blown away by a product but the hybrid tenors were just amazing, I've never heard sound like I have from those amps. There is a HUGE number of people who have pre-ordered these so it may be hard to get your hands on one for some time, however when they are available you'll hear more of what I am reffering to. The OTL's are still great but if you have any other then an OTL friendly speaker(i.e. 90+dB and 8 ohms or higher) they wouldn't work optimally. The hybrids are a great solution to the other 95% of speakers out there.