Power amp upgrades for Mirage, M3si speakers
Hello forum members, I am the happy owner of a pair of M3si's. I use them mostly for music and some home theatre. I would like to upgrade my power amp (currently Acurus 200w/ch) and possibly my cables (Audioquest Crystal biwired). I was hoping you could share some opinions, comments, and/or insights that might help guide me. My preamp is an Acurus Act3 upgrading to an almost Aragon Stage One, Toshiba SD 9200 DVD-A possibly replaced by the Denon 2900 universal player, Monster and Audioquest interconnects.
Based on my research, 200+ WPC power amps candidates are Aragon 8008 MkII, McCormick DNA 225 (some, although maybe unfounded, concern about all the UPGRADES??), Conrad Johnson MF2500A. I was advised to also consider EAD Powermaster multichannel. I like my music laid back not too forward, huge soundstage, all genres but mostly jazz, classical, soft rock, blues, R&B, etc.
I am willing to buy (~$2,200. budget) good condition pre-owned equipment.
Thanks in advance.