Tube Pre and Solid Amp

I wonder if tube pre must match with tube amp. How about tube pre and solid amp? I look into this question from the point of system reliability. I think the latest best solid amp can reproduce 95% of best tube amp. So a solid amp is a better subsitution for tube amp in terms of reliability, duability, maintenance free, isn't it?

I have a Krell PAM-3/KSA50. A pretty old solid combination. I am considering upgrade it with VAC tube preamp and Pass Labs XA160. Hope this will get somewhere I enjoy the warm and musical sound of tube and the punch, power and above mentioned advantages of solid. Any comment.
What would be the short and log run problem if unmatched impedance between tube preamp and solid amp?

To what tolerance is acceptable?
I have been using a CAT Sig pre-amp with GE smooth plates and a Rowland Model 8 amp (ss) for several years. The combo is truly a great match. I used to have a tube amp ( a Melos) but the heat, reliablity, and the concern about where on the tube life cycle you were at was a real downer.Plus here in S.Cal, the main issue is the amount of heat that the tube amp puts out. The Rowland runs mildly hot but not unbearable. To me the heat problem is a major factor.
Since the 1960s, all equipment are designed within similar spec where impedance matching wouldn't be an issue any more. It's rarely to see preamp and amp have impedance matching issue.