Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Next step is Furutech FI 09 in Rhodium. Everything in my system is running this IEC A/C power inlet.
The Rhodium has won the tube/solid state hybred digital position hands down, I can hear a fly's wings flapping on the wall within the recording with the clarity, detail treble air beyound belief, detail that brings out all nuances that I have never heard before, vocals that have front to back depth of the presatation that is as real as it get's for vocals, spooky!, timberal accuracy with incredible speed, bass that is so defined, you can hear the foot pedal on the bass drum's,snare drum's that sound like it is in the room with you, I suppose all this can be system dependent and cable dependent, likly, that is why even Furutech made two version's of the GTX-D wpo's, LOL!, if there is better, which I doubt for my system, I do not need it period, for what?
Hi Jebsmith73, you know, my krell has a stock plug at the end of the 9ft stock hard wired power cord, I was thinking of maybe changeing that to when I can get to it, what do you think?, will just replaceing the plug at the end bring benefits?
Here is more of the conclusion's of furutech GTX-D Rhodium and Gold wpo's with Tara labs cables, this is a post to one of the well seasoned audiophiles I talk to, quote,Hi rafael0054, yes, the Rodium furutech GTX-D sounds very,very, bright and in your face, like screaming!, with the first 3 to 5 hrs of listening, both Gold and Rhodium go through alot of changes the first 200 hrs, I do not recommend even listening to either of them untill 180 hrs, also, I will add, the seller of the furutech GTX-D Rhodium said that at 250 hrs, I have most of what these do, and that the last 10% to 20% will come at 500 to 700 hrs.., so I thought that my impression's was valid at this point, Raf, I bet I changed out the recepticles atleast 14 times, alot of hard work!, a pain in the ass really,so at this point, I came to a conclusion with the tube/solid state hybred digital player, then, all I needed to do is hear if the Rhodium did the same on the Krell 700cx, to my surprise, The Rhodium had the same sound on the Krell, just not to the magnutude of being on the Tara labs cobalt power cord, but still a incredible huge improvement, one big differnce the Rhodium did to the amp was made the sound stage much bigger with bomb like slam and timberal accuracy and transit speed that was off the chart's, I never heard this on the krell before, it's like I got a much more exspensive amp, so I ask you, do you think it is necessary for me to try the Gold on the amp?, after all the test I have done, and the multiple times of change out of the wpo's, I do not believe I need to hear the Gold on the amp, I might do it one time for you if you think you want to know, alway's a joy to talk to you Rafael0054, cheers.
Hello Keith,

wanted to get an update on your Krell amp?
Hope you are well and enjoying the holiday season.
Keep me posted & Happy Holidays!