Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi, Here is some conclusion's of the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium and Gold wpo's on Tara Labs cables, and my particular system, with review's from others as well that I have talked to, enjoy,,, Hi Rafael0054, The Furutech GTX-D Gold I bought was cooked for 6 days, and the Rhodium version of the same was new out of the box, I put 300 hrs on both at this point,here is what Michaelzay had to say on his thread, Furutech Gold and copper, quote-12-12-14: Michelzay

Last week, I made another experience regarding Rhodium vs. Gold Ac connectors. I put back again my AQ Volcano (Copper) speaker cables (instead of AQ Meteor Silver) and some copper interconnects (instead of AQ SKY silver) that I have. With Fi-11 gold AC connectors, the sound was kind of dark side of warm sound and lacks a little bit the high frequencies. Even though music was alive and resolution details were present and the bass was too much pronounced. Honestly I am not a Bass freak… I put back again my Dynamic Design power cords having FI-11 Rhodium and high frequencies opened up magically with Copper interconnect/speaker cables having wider soundstage. The sound was more neutral and one could hear tiny noises out of the records.

It was a pleasant surprise which confirms the AC connector needs to be matched also with interconnect cables materials and speakers cables. Gold connectors with Silver interconnect/speaker cables and Rhodium connectors with copper interconnect/speaker cables. I continue to be amazed how Power cords and related AC connectors would impressively change my system sound. Of course, AC receptacle play a big role especially matching it with power cords. I use Tesla AC receptacle.

I ordered some Silver and Gold “iego” set AC connectors that I look forward to receive them to make new experiences with Silver connectors and compared them with Furutech. I was told Silver connectors presents the best of Gold and Rhodium, let’s see ...

Here is my response, quote,,12-13-14: Audiolabyrinth
Hi Michaelzay, I enjoyed your review and find that I have the same impressions between Gold and Rhodium Furutech GTX-D wpo's, my cables are copper!, The Tara labs Zero Gold I/C, Tara labs Omega Gold speaker cables, Tara labs Cobalt power cord that is terminated with oyaide ends, the Rhodium is incredible with these cables, I went through a shock factor of the synergy with all of this, The Gold did not have the magical sound stage presatation or the Resolution that the Rhodium brought out of my cables, you seem to be the first audiophile that knows what he is talking about, has nothing to do with tube or solid state equipment, like you said, Rather it has everything to do with cables synergy!, well said Michaelzay, one thing that is most important that I have not said to no one yet, is the fact the Rhodium is incredible on the $5,450.00 Tara labs Cobalt power cord that is this,, Another industry first is TARA Labs' propriety annealing process, known as SA-OF8N 99.999999% copper (super-annealed, oxygen-free, eight nines pure copper). This creates a unique, long, unbroken crystal structure called “mono-crystal” which has exquisitely smooth and detailed transfer of frequencies over a very wide bandwidth. pure copper, which is the purest in the cable industry,even more pure than occ copper that is 6-nines,also versus cheaper power cords that I do not use that I had on hand for many comparisons that was not so much of a huge improvement like putting the Rhodium on a very good pure copper power cord, cheers.
Hi Jebsmith73, yes, I believe you are correct,The plug likly would bring benefit's,however, we thought the wpo's were exspensive, the plug is $293.00 for the Rhodium!, talking about the ouch again, thankyou for your reply.
Hi Jafant, The Krell came home friday december the 5th, 2014, with up-graded power supplies and capacitors, the amp runs great!, finally, after 2 years and 8 month's, it's done!, Mr Krell is like a brand new amp in every way, the over heating problem on the left side is completly resolved, both sides run cooler and equal to each other, yippee!, Hurray!, feel free to e-mail me, a joy to talk to you Jafant.

Kyle J. says :

I purchased the Omega Gold speaker cable from my local dealer a few years ago. Since that time, I have taken the time to hear many of the high-end cables within this industry. I have attended numerous dealer presentations and trade shows showing the latest Nordost, Cardas, Kubala Sosna, Transparent and so on. Hands down, the TARA Labs Omega Gold is the best speaker cable I've ever heard.

Marshall Nack / Positive Feedback says :

With the Tara Labs Omega Gold,You hear deeper into the performance and each note proceeded after the previous fully developed note in an unrestrained flow, a quality that's usually the province of fine tube gear. Only now it was emanating from my mbl Noble Line separates. And this timbral beauty was delivered along with newly fearsome dynamics. Dynamic peaks expanded ‘til they had no more space to fill. The room's dimensions became the limitation.