Tube Integrated

I am looking for opinions/suggestions on tube integrated amplifers(either SE or P/P). My budget is probably US$1-2k (used). It will be used as the amp for a second system to drive efficient speakers or inefficient headphones (though headphone jack not necessary).

I have heard the EAR 859 and liked it quite a bit (though would be happy changing the pot - has anyone done that?). I have heard various Unison Research integrateds and thought they were a bit "soft". I have VTLs in my main system and am happy with the sound.

Thanks in advance.
In a class all it's own, both in buid quality, sexy looks and most of all sonics, the Audiomat Arpège by a wide margin. Read both Soundstage reviews, the initial one where it received the editor's choice award, and the follow-up review, a year later I think. I own this great amp, and I am a previous owner of expensive Sonic Frontiers Power 2 and line 2 separates. Let me tell you, I am amazed everyday at the amount of new sounds this amp is able to pull out of cd's. It's a no brainer for those in the know. There are a couple for sale here on Audiogon for about a grand, which makes them an absolute steal, but they are only in ok shape cosmetically. An extra clean unit wil probably set you back around $ 1,500.00 used, and it still smokes anything out there in tubes, and completely dominates such well known ( but way overpriced) solid staters such as the Moon I-5, Musical Fidelity A-300, and Electrocompaniet integrated. I know. I owned all of these before settling on the Audiomat. I wasn't even close nor a fair match-up. Hope this helps and good luck!
I would strongly second the Audiomat. I own the Solfege Reference which is the big brother to the Arpege and this is a line of equipment that is vastly underated.
Lets not forget the Manley Stingray. Its fits in your price point, gorgeous to look at, and sounds great.
Since you are leaning towards the EAR 859, (exc. choice from my reading) I will direct you towards the SV SUN AUDIO 300 BE based on my owning. Japanese, minimalist, good locking "a la Air Thight 300", also sharing with this one the Tamura transformer and dual volume control for one source. Within your price range, (used), and way beyong, paired with the Sophia Elec., you will be hard press to find anything as expressive and beautifull sounding.