integrated /seperates step down

I've been pondering a simplification of my system. I am running Cary 2a3-se monoblocks with the Cary SLP-88 preamp. Would the Rogue Tempest Magnum, Jadis Reference Orchestra or similar be stepping down?
Please expound. Personal experience?

I have to admit that the balance and bass/treble controls concern me, but I have heard great things.
I don't have any experience with the equipment you mention, but two years ago I switched from separate Pass phono preamp, preamp and power amp to a Jeff Rowland Concentra I w/ phono. The sound was clearly different, but only slightly so in musically significant terms and I've never felt the Rowland was a step down in performance.

The current issue of The Absolute Sound has an article where different reviewers assemble complete systems. Of the nine systems, five were based upon integreted amps. Great systems can be based around integreted amps. Give it a try, you might be pleasantly surprised.
...step-up towards full(er) range than with 2a3 SET. If you can get a good used deal on Jadis integrated I guess it's worth it.
I have have "stepped up" (significantly) going "down" to a Rowland Concentra II.
I switched from separates to a Jeff Rowland Concentra I integrated amp. I also have the Meridian 508.24 Cd player and ProAc 2.5 Speakers. I have never felt the Rowland was a step down in performance and am enjoying my system very much. My goal was to simplify my system, reduce cables and still have great sound. The only way for you to judge this change is to borrow someones integrated amplifier and try it out in your system. It is also interesting that 2 other people above have switched to the Rowland Concentra. Hope this helps.