integrated tube reccommendations

thinking of trying out tubes. prefer integrated but am open to suggestions. budget under $2k used or not! thanks 'goners!

Hit my thread link in the above post.
I agree that the Cary SE stuff probably does.
But, from the sound of your post, it isn't clear that:
A) you were comparing Tempest to SLI-80 SIG, and not just some Rogue you heard somewhere, some time ago, to some Cary you heard somewhere else, some other time.
b) you tried several combinations of tubes with each to maximize their potential
C) THis was done while you had both pieces in your home, or side by side in a demo system, at once.
D) You had a long time to make up your mind.

Like I mentioned, I had the Cary for several months, and for the first few weeks, the only question was, how much was I going to start the bidding at for the Rogue.

I'm glad it wasn't a "home audition" for the weekend, as I would have definitely bought the Cary.

Anyway, just supporting my opinion. Cheers to all, and happy Thursday.

As a dealer I like the Consonance MI00Plus that recently received an excellent review from Soundstage. An overall musical,natural and emotionally involving amp that like all the Consonance products connects the listener to the music.The difference between hearing and feeling the performance.

You can also check out the VAC Avatar. I was on the same boat a few months ago and ended up getting the Avatar after much research. It's rated at 60wpc Ultralinear and 27wpc triode - you can switch between the two. It's sonically and physically beautiful. Highly recommended.

Other tube integrated amps that I also considered:
- Conrad Johnson CAV-50
- Manley Stingray
- VTL IT-85
- Jolida 502B

Happy Shopping
Hi Jlamb, I own a Decware Integrated SET amp. Only 7 Watts, but it blows away anything I have yet owned or heard. You will need speaker efficiency of at least 92 db to consider it. Good luck, Paul