2 Classe ca 100's vs 1 Classe ca 200 ?

I am debating on buying 1 claase ca 200, or 2 classe 100's using them in mono, I will be driving aerial 7B's, looking for advise on this, thanks
Drubin, I was alluding to the bridging of the amps, which IMHO degrades the sound. Amps designed as monoblocks sound better than stereo amps bridged. I did own a CA-200 for a year or so, and it was a very nice amp. Warm, rich tonal balance, with solid bass. I'm currently using a Threshold T400 amp, which has more detail in the upper midrange and high's without any glare. I wasn't really looking for another amp, I was happy with th CA-200, I just happened to have a friend selling the T400 and I tried it out and preffered it. He didn't want the hassle of selling and shipping, so he made a great offer, I took it. I am still using a Classe preamp (CP-60) and I believe Classe equipment represents a great value when considering $$$ vs. performance.

I would shoot for the CA-200 over the two CA-100's in terms of sonics. That is, unless power / spl capacity is more important to you than the overall sound.

My past experience with Classe' amps is that they start sounding better as you get to the 200 wpc model and above. Below that, i didn't really care for them for multiple reasons. At or above the 200 wpc models, i think that they sound markedly different and better than the models below that point. While i know that they say that their smaller amps are the same circuitry and are just reduced in terms of output capacity, the sound is NOT the same or as good. At least, that has been my experience. Since bridging typically degrades the sonics on most amps when put into that mode, using smaller Classe' amps and going that route may take you further away from what you seek sonically but give you the spl's that you desire. As others have mentioned, the CA-300 would probably be a better bet, but could be out of your price range. Sean
how can 200wpc model have the same PS as 100wpc model?
at least that should be different...
The basic circuitry is said to be identical but scaled to accomodate the various output levels. In other words, the 100 wpc amp has a power supply capable of X amount of amps with 8 output devices and the 200 wpc has a power supply capable of XX amount of amps with 16 output devices, etc... Same circuit design, just different capacities.

As someone else mentioned though and from what my ears tell me, there are either differences in circuit design, parts quality used or the bias levels are altered as the bigger models definitely sound "better" to me. Sean
This may be true in this case, but I would hestitate to generalize, and alot depends on whether you plan to bridge, or vertically bi-amp. I know that, imo, a bi-amped pair of DNA 0.5s beats a single DNA 1.0.