tubed pre for vandersteen 3a sig's

Just purchased a pair of Vandersteen 3a Signatures. Wanting to preserve 2 channel sound, I would like a tubed preamp ($2k and under) with a theater pass thru. Initially, I will use an Innersound two channel amp for the Vandie's. Would also like amp recommendations in case the Innersound does not work out.

Your thoughts and recommendations will be most appreciated.
Can't beat an Audible Illusions 3a for the $, otherwise
stretch for a used, relatively recent CAT.
ARC is a bit lighter, brighter and will also match well, esp a used SP-15.
good luck!
These sound like excellent recommendations. Thanks for taking the time to assist...

No pre if you can go from CD player to amp then to speakers.
Go for good cables. IHO you will get much more for your $ spending it on very good cables and not a pre. IHO a pre can just get in the way.