Need some audiogon expertise

Hi all, I am having a little problem here with thin bass. I am not really sure where to start. Some help would be most apprecieated. I have heard some say tubes in preamp but i dont feel that 2 little 6922's can be causing the music to be so thin but maybe so. Heres my list of equipment.

California Audio Labs Icon/Powerboss
Audible Illusions L-1/matched pair of 6H23-EB
Aragon 4004 mkII
Sansui TU-717
Vmps Tower 2/R's
Acoustic Research 12 guage
Radio Shack fusion IC's throughout

Stand alone i've not heard of any of the components having the traits of thin bass. But obviously i have something causing this.

Room is 22 x 14 x 8. Speakers are on the short wall placed 2 1/2 feet from back wall and 3 feet from sidewalls toed in directly at my listening position which is 10 feet from speakers.

Thanks for the help.
Have you had this system long? The components have been around since about 1990. Did the system ever provide a fuller bass? You're right that it should sound good. There's enough power and the speakers are designed to provide you with solid bass. I'm wondering if the thin bass is a recent phenomenon? If it is, then here are my questions:
1) Did you change anything lately (e.g., cables or room)?
2) Is the problem present in both channels?
3) Has this been a gradual decline in bass response or sudden?
It is nothing less than absurd to blame "Cables and interconnects" for thin bass or grainy highs! Room-speaker interaction, Speaker position, Speakers and/or source, equipment synergy, would be place i would look first. Find yourself Stereophile Test 3 CD, and start from there.