Getting started, need amp recommendation

I recently tossed out my 15 year old Pioneer speakers and stepped up to a gently used pair of Paradigm Mini Monitors. BIG improvement! Needless to say, these are a bit more revealing of the (lack of) quality of my other components. Next on the chopping block is my old Kenwood receiver. I have been looking into units from NAD, Rotel, and the Acurus DIA-100. In the sub $400 price range, has anyone got a recommendation for a used integrated amp or possibly receiver for a newbie with mini monitors? This is my first foray outside Circuit City-level of components, and I would appreciate some guidance. I like the detailed nature of the Paradigms, but I can imagine that a bright sounding amp could get a little annoying with them. Maybe it's just the contrast with my previous speakers that I hear.
There is an Outlaw Audio 1050 receiver for sale on audiogon, it's listed around $400 but does state obo. If you: click on bluebook on the audiogon main page, click on o for outlaw, click on outlaw audio, click on 1050 receiver, you will be able to read a ton of mag. reviews on this receiver. It will not make your Paradigm's sound brite and is one of the best bang for buck receivers you can find in your price range.
In this price range, you should seriously consider the ART SLA-1. You can get a new one for about $200 delivered. There was considerable buzz about this amp a few weeks ago on AudioGon, and a few of us took a small gamble and ordered one to try in our systems. In the end, I decided to stay with my Plinius SA-102, but the SLA-1 performed admirably in my system with components costing many times more. Check the archives for more detailed information. There is a splendid review by one of the members that nails the pros and cons of the SLA-1. If I were just starting out and working with your budget, I wouldn't think twice about it.

Good luck.
My vote is the Acurus DIA100 or I've seen some DIA150's posted for $450... I heard the little DIA100 (which has a passive preamp built in) power some PSB Gold i Speakers and it was amazing.. Erroring on the high side of power gives you lots of options. I will probably buy one of these for my father when they return from London to power a set of Magnepan's.

If you are new to the whole audiophile thing, stay away from the tube integrated or you might get a bad taste in the mouth if you didn't expect to tinker with the amp a lot, unless you have a local dealer or buying from someone used near you to show you the ropes.

NAD and Rotel also will work but the Acurus has more horsepower and was a much more expensive piece.

You can do an advanced search and use the first three digits of your zip code to identify local for sale adds. remember there are quite a few zips in your area.
Rotel and NAD offer good value in your price range. As Unclejeff indicated, there have been lots of similar discussions here, so do research the archives.

Good luck!
I second the NAD and Rotel recommendations and would like to add to the list Cambridge Audio A300 V2.0. It is a nice sounding 50wpc unit that is only $250.00 new. Also a used Creek would fit your budget nicely.

Good Luck!!!!