Help with very low noise, SS amp for La Scalas?

I just bought a pair of Klipsch La Scalas and like them enough to build a system around them. I need some suggestions regarding the appropriate amplifier.
I really don't want to get into the tube amps. I've had them before and they are nice and warm, but I want to keep it simple and not mess with them. I also want the extreme clarity that clean, natural solid state will provide.

I need a SS amp that will provide 50-85 WPC and have a S/N ratio of >= 105 dB. The La Scalas are very efficient (104dB/W/m) so I don't need a lot of power at all, but I still want as much as would be prudent. I was looking at Bryston amps, the 3B-ST and 3B-SST but they are a little too powerful for my speakers, at 120 and 150 W/Ch. They have excellent noise floors though, at 105 and 110 dB above the noise floor. I'd like to get a very neutral, non-grainy amp that will pair with my Muse Model One preamp. I need to replace my CD source, but plan on getting something mildly musical and warm, like a Muse 296/8 pair, McIntosh MCD 7010 or Myryad player.

What other amps are out there that will have such a low noise floor and neutral presentation?

As an aside, I'm really impressed with the La Scalas after listening to them for only a few days. I can see they have the clarity, imaging and detail that approaches my previous ribbon speakers. I had Apogee Stages and some tall Maggies and have always looked for something that will mimic their detail and soundstage, but be less finicky and require less maintenance. Once I get the correct components and I replace the crossovers with the ALK design, I expect these to image as well as ribbon speakers with much more dynamics. The only weaknesss I see in these speakers, when properly set up, is that the bass does not extend very far at all. That doesn't bother me because I'm not a bass-o-phile, but it is noticable.
Buy a used Bel Canto Evo 200.2 Digital amp. Use it as a two channel amp or if you wanted to you could purchase two and run them as monoblocks. They are manufactured to be two channel or press a button and they become monoblocks. I use mine at times to run very efficient drivers, 102dB and 106dB.
Try a Pass Aleph 3 or 5 or one of the newer ones. Low gain, low noise, clean and sweet.
I've heard an Ayre Ax-7 integrated hooked up to Avantgarde Duos and it was dead quiet, very musical too. 60w@8ohms