Suggestions on $1k used preamp w/ phono

Any suggestions on a good sounding preamp which has phono (and good line stage). Minimalist features are a plus. Looking to get back into vinyl but need good linestage in addition to the phono section (Accuphase DP75V cd player)
Conrad Johnson PV10B with phono stage will open your ears to the wonderful world of tubes! Buy it with confidence here at Audiogon!
They are others, but I also vote for the CJ PV-10. There is also the PV-10A that came before the current B model.
I can't stand CJ, especially the 10B. If you do go CJ, try the PV5, much better.
The MFA is beautiful and the AI is nice too. I simply hate dual volume controls.
Consider a Classe 30. Very minimalist, very easy to use, trouble free and great phono stage. Plus, you get remote.
My other choice is a Sumo Athena-pure class A, simple, solid state and will keep up with anything 10 times the price. You can find one for under $300
How about a Classe DR6? Built like a tank, great phono section, separate power supply, can use balanced interconnects, sounds smooth yet dynamic without the fuss of tubes.

I got mine for less than $1000.