Biamping combining Tube and SS

Does anyone know if it's possible to biamp using a solid state amp and a tube amp. I have a Bryston 3B SST and have just puchased a Sonic Frontiers Power 2. Can I combine the two or do both amps have to be identical. Any thoughts/suggestions???
You will need a way to match volume level or be very lucky (not much chance). Won't hurt to try.
There is no reason not to try this, but gain matching will be your biggest challenge. If one amp has, say, 27dB of gain and the other has more, or less, you can either have a technician adjust one of the amps (if the design allows it) so that the gain of both is identical, or try inserting an extra potentiometer (which, with extra cabling, is sure to degrade the sound), or give up on that combination of amplifiers.
I have used this combination (along with a tube preamp) for years and loved it. I like the sound on the lower end that the SS gives in combination with the tube sound on the upper end. I use an external crossover, so all amps are wired through it and the preamp is wired into it also. Biamping is more expensive but it has been worth to me.