Marantz receivers any bad vibes for 2ch&HT combo

I was looking to go with a mid line Denon 2803, but due to bad reviews in the 2channel area, I am looking at marantz. Cannot seem to find too many specs on like the 7200 and such. Wondering on their signal to noise ratio and THD numbers. Also is anyone unhappy with their marantz unit. Can I get warranty or service work. Any help or other suggestions would be great.
harmon kardon over lexicon processors? what planet do you live on? agreed that the amplifiers aren't in the same class as levinson but the lexicon processors are far above harmon kardon. especially w/ the logic 7 processing that was developed by lexicon. that's why you see many new movies using L7 in the production of the movie (both lord of the rings movies used L7).....anyway, the denon and marantz are very close at that level...the denon will give you a few more bells and whistles.
Just because someone has the latest gizwitchy doesn't make them a quality built product. Lexicon has built some really questionably priced pieces. Have you ever looked inside of a Lexicon and then compared the parts and build quality to Levinson? That's where I'm coming from. And yes, I have seen a lot cheaper units with equal or better internal quality than Lexicon. Marketing is a wonderful thing! Why don't you take a peak and see where some of those pieces parts in that Lexicon come from. Might just be surprised. Lot closer to Harmon Kardon and others than you might think!
i'm not going to get into a shouting match over build quality between lexicon and levinson cause i honestly don't care for either of them. just used them as an example...harmon kardon owns both companies plus revel just like D&M holdings owns denon, marantz, and mcintosh...
I auditioned both before buying a marantz 8200 with upgrades from accessoies 4 and paid 999.The marantz is a better amp for music and HT is so forgiving that almost any mid to high end will sound good.You will appreciate your music a lot more when playing on a sweet amp Go with the Marantz and you will be a happy camper!
try to find some of the '70s vintage gear. I had a 2275 when i was in high school, my brother still has it. sounds good and has tons of output to satisfy the need for HT explosions and the tuners are great as an added benifit