Another 6550 vs. KT88, 90, et. al.?

Recent listening after having the tetrode/triode switches in my VTL 185's restored by the factory to functioning status (a previous owner removed them) has me reassessing the amps' tonal balance as presently configured (with Svet 6550C's, new last fall). While the tetrode setting I was confined to before the repair holds most of the 'high fidelity' aces (dynamics, space, separation, resolution, articulation, detail, extension, bass definition), my newfound ability to access the triode option has confirmed, and strengthened, my previous suspicions about the overall balance: A little spotlit in the lower treble, a little tight from the lower mid's down through the mid-bass.

The result is a tad hard and lean (for a tube amp), with a bit of glare above and a lack of plushness and body below. Triode corrects this balance toward the warm side, more neutral overall IMO (except at the frequency extremes), and also gives a smoother textural presentation with lowered grain, but at a cost in the other areas mentioned above. In general, the amps pass more info and get better speaker control in tetrode, but are purer and more natural through the heart of the audioband in triode, if also less present and more homogenized.

I know none of this is revolutionary news to many, and obviously questions of tonal balance will be highly system-dependent as well.* And in the big picture the 185's are the most revealing and least colored and distorting amps I've owned. But before plunking down for 12 more power tubes to experiment, and after having read through the archives, I wanted to bring this question back to the forum, especially in the hope that some VTL owners might shed more light on their power tube experiences.

*[Thiel CS2.2's/AZ Satori/VTL MB-185 Signatures (with 60's NOS Sylvania gold pin 6201/12AT7 inputs)/HT Magic Link One/Levinson 380S/HT ProSil/Theta Basic IIIa and Pearl/Shunyata Sidewinders on the amps, HT AC11's on the digital separates/API Power Wedge Ultra 116 on all]
I am sure the KT-88EH's are fully run-in now, and there are some new findings to report. Specifically, my initial impression that there wasn't much to comment on regarding differences above the bass range needs amending.

Further auditioning has made it clear what some differences are. The 6550C's sound distinctly 'creamier' on for instance vocals, while the KT-88EH's transmit more detail and nuance and generally sound less 'tubey'. The apparently higher fidelity of the KT-88EH is maintained up the frequency spectrum, where cymbals display a bit more metallic character and harmonic detail, while the 6550C's present a less distinguishable hiss that is more akin to white noise.

Some may find the KT-88EH sound less to their liking than I, since it is not overtly warm or liquid in the way that many audiophiles prefer tubes to be. But, the combination of some of the factors I have heard - better bass, more detailed articulation, more spatial specificity - have me becoming cautious with my conclusions, thinking that maybe the year's worth of prior use on the 6550C's is affecting the comparitive results more than I have supposed. I think in order to make a fair playing field that I will have to use the KT-88EH's for a year while the 6550C's sit in their boxes, and then return to the comparisons to see if my impressions will still hold to the same degree then.

What I can say is that the combo of these new power tubes, the new NOS input tubes, and the new input tube dampers - combined with me finally getting the same resistor upgrade done to the remaining speaker that was done on its pair-mate last spring (in which the underspec'ed resistor had failed completely) - has given me the best sound I've heard from this amp/speaker combo so far. I also think the Au24 SC's - whose attributes vs. the Satori are actually not unlike those of the KT-88EH vs. the 6550C - are here to stay, along with a switch from HT Pro-Silway II's to Van Den Hul The Second IC's leading into the amps. The sound is now faster and more open (and has more depth) while being less warm, but it is also less bright, and much more solid throughout the bass (that being due mostly to the KT-88EH's and the VDH IC). As a bonus, I have inklings, yet to be fully tested, that the KT-88EH's are more competent working in triode mode than were the 6550C's, and the sound of the two modes is actually closer together now in many ways, none of which I think are penalties.
Zaikesman, it's commendable of you to keep us up to speed. Thank you so much.

Yes, Russ sure is a prince. Heck of a guy!

I'm happy to hear your impressions on the tubes. I have never given KT88EH tubes a listen, but in my experience, the JJ(Tela/Teslovak) KT88 are easily much sweeter than any 6500 I have been around.

It's so wonderful to hear that you are getting the best sound you have ever had!

Yes Zaik, I second Trelja's comments about your commitment to keep us updated on your testing and comparisons. I must say, I now am considering some of these KT 88's in my ASL Hurricanes. Anyone out there make a change to their 88's in the 'canes?
Rwd: The EH's are the only KT-88's I've tried or heard. Which ones are in your Hurricanes?

Trelja: In my amps, in my system, I can't really say that the KT-88EH's are "sweeter" in any way than the Svet 6550C's, mostly just more 'complete'-sounding: more full-band, more even-handed and neutral in frequency response, faster and cleaner, more spatially resolving, and more transparent/detailed. But as I said, I'll have to revisit this comparo after the new tubes get a year's worth of use on them to make it an entirely fair fight, so although I'm convinced the sound I'm getting now is 'better' than what I achieved at any point in the past with the 6550C's, I'm regarding my specific characterizations as provisional.