Value of inexpensive linestage preamps?


After a brief period away from "hi-end audio" I have started building a system again. Because of budget constraints I am having to do it one piece at a time. I recently got a good deal on a Conrad Johnson Premier 11A. Unfortunatly I don't have a proper preamp and won't be able to afford one for a while. I am currently using my hometheater receiver (Denon 5800) in "direct" mode as my preamp, the sound is not terrible. My question is, would one of the small, simple $300.00 to $400.00 tube preamps be worth spending my money on while saving for something better? Would the improvement over the Denon be worth the expence?


Please take a look into Mapletree Audio Design (MAD). Dr. lloyd Peppard's products are too good for the price he sells them. The Octal 6A is a very good line stage. Happy listening.
A 5800 is pretty nice. It would take a quality pre-amp to out-perform it. If you want to play, buy something like a creek obh-12. You should be able to find a used one and resell for a similar price($175?).
I also use an Axiom passive from Luminous Audio.IMHO it is
the best buy in audio.Search this site for info.
Gunbei said, "Even an inexpensive tube preamp will probably increase the level of refinement of your system over the Denon."

Elevick said, "A [Denon] 5800 is pretty nice. It would take a quality pre-amp to out-perform it."

Guess what? They're both right! A quality tube preamp will outperform a Denon 5800 (or any other multi-channel pre) and it can be inexpensive if bought here used!