The Truth About Preamps

I'm wondering now that we're in the digital age with so many cd players having variable outs, what does a high quality preamp do for a system? I've heard so many different stories on either you get more detail straight in or that you get more bloom with a preamp. I would think that if you had a musical cd player such as a Cary running straight into a musical and smooth amp such as a Classe or Conrad-johnson you wouldn't need a preamp...all this given you have only cd as your source...I'm just wondering what you guys think and your experience running a cd player straight into an amp. I'm thinking of running a Theta Miles straight into a Classe CA-300
I don't know what preamps add beyond gain, but they do (perhaps it's their on character). It's like power cords. How the hell could they make a difference; it's just electricity. But they do! I've run a CD player with volume control direct and with a preamp. I liked attributes about both, but preferred using the preamp. The direct route was cleaner, but using the preamp made it more dynamic. I've experienced this when comparing active and passive preamps. Mahandave is correct; expensive preamps are worth it. They pass on the siganl "as-is" from the source while doing the preamp thing. I should add that I prefer tube preamps. They provide a realistic soundstage. Also, preamps allow using multiple sources (FM isn't dead yet!).
That was a great response, Elizabeth.

Budrew, the oft used statement equating an inert wire with a complex preamp is sophomoric.

Mahandave, you must know you are ommitting a great number of exquisite pre amps that sell new for less than $10,000.
I'm wondering for example if I should get a Classe CP-60 preamp which is $3600 new with a $1500 Classe CA-100 power amp, or just bypass the preamp and get a CA-300 power amp being run straight in
I would echo the above and say that in your price range, you are probably better off spending money on the amp and cd player and going direct. I haven't owned the Miles, but the Wadias, of which I've owned several, are quite happy running direct to the amp. I haven't tried any $10k preamps yet but have used several very good ones in the $2-4K range and there is no improvement, if anything it's not quite as good as direct. The only issue is that you have to adjust the output voltage to your typical listening volume, which requires pulling the cover every time you want to change it. If it's adjusted properly, and you run near the top of the adjustable output range, there is no discernable loss of sound quality.