Jeff Rowland Model 1 info

Hi everybody,

does anybody know if there's any (electrical) difference between the first and second series of the Jeff Rowland Model 1? In general, is there a difference between the black face units and the silver face ones? Thanks.

Wow, I didn't know there were two series. Is there any way to tell which version I have?

It's a long story how the amp came to me, but I basically didn't know much about it beforehand. Actually, I still don't, so any info you may have that isn't on the JRDG website would be appreciated. The reviews I read were all favorable, but none of them tested the amp out in bridged mode. One did make mention of a claim that unlike most amps, there is little or no sonic detriment involved when bridging this particular amp. Any truth to this?

Thanks in advance.
Just a quick addendum. I do remember an email exchange with Rich Maez (sorry if I mispelled his name) where he mentioned that the first series hummed audibly if you used the single ended inputs without shorting the balanced ones. Since I have not experienced this humming, is it safe to a assume that my amp is from the latter series? old post but no follow ups...I'm considering a Model 1 if anyone is still 'listening'...
I just bought a model 1 on AudioGoN and will report here as to how it works out. My plan is to eventually get a second one and run the pair bridged.
Early on in my listening to the Rowland Model One - but WOW! Air and detail to spare and smoother and much better bass on my speakers than my proceed amp 3 (not bad either though). Using a heavily modified Kenwood Kt-7500 tuner as my main source (see This is the best component in my system and plays very well via the Rowland.