Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
This is a help tool on the Tara labs web-site, it is a program on their web-site that gives recomendation's for cables per system, it is a basis to work from, however, tast for sound is the the end result when obtaining cable synergy, we all often have different likes and dislikes, again this Tara labs Cable recommendation system is a basis, but it does work well,,,CABLE RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM (CRS)

TARA Labs Cable Recommendation System (CRS) is an objective calculation of the components in your system. By choosing and clicking on the brand names of manufacturers, CRS will analyze the information and offer two cable recommendations for that system. Please note that room acoustics & material, speaker placement, in additional to numerous other factors greatly contribute to the overall sound of an audio system. Knowledge of your preferences for the sound you are seeking is also important and is one of the many factors that helps determine our recommendations.
Misternice, what have you been doing?, did you get the furutech GTX wall frame and cover plate for any of your outlet's?
Why Rectangular solid core conductor's?,

The patented RSC conductors have become the definitive technology in high-end audio cables. The rectangular shape offers a unique advantage over round conductors. They have the necessary mass for solid bass, yet are thin enough for a coherent reproduction of mid-range and high frequencies. The RSC is not subject to the same high frequency losses that hamper traditional round conductors. To further understand the principle behind RSC technology, it is necessary to understand a phenomenon known as "skin effect" This principle states that in a round conductor, higher frequencies will tend to travel towards the outside (or skin) of the conductor, while lower frequencies will travel closer to the center of the conductor. The larger the diameter of a round conductor, the worse the effect will be, resulting in a significant roll-off of high frequencies in large gauge conductors. Because of its rectangular cross section, an RSC conductor essentially has no center like a round conductor. Therefore it does not suffer the same high frequency losses.
As always, very nice talking to you earlier today Audiolabyrinth. Hope you are doing well and enjoying your Krell power amp. Look over the thread "most holographic" power cords and give the gentleman some opinion on Tara Labs. I am sure he will enjoy your point of view, as we, were talking about Kubala Sousna and Stage III Concepts (my reference) power cords. Keep me posted & happy listening!

Happy New Year!
Hi Jafant,I enjoyed talking to you on the phone as well, I will take a peek at the thread you are talking about, anyway I can help with question's about Tara Labs, I will do my best, Thinking about putting a Furutech FI-50 Rhodium wall plug on the Krell to match the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium outlet in the wall, what do you think?, these furutech top of the line product's are a complete synergy match for the Tara Labs Zero Gold I/C, Omega Gold speaker cables, and Cobalt power cord that has oyaide termination's, look forward to your answer, Thankyou Jafant.