Pre with Pass-Thru for HT Processor

I'm turning to the experts, in search of some advise and opinions.

I'm looking for a good Pre (would like to stay under $1000, if possible) with balanced ins/outs that has a direct "pass-thru" option for use with HT processors. ??? Thoughts ???

I'm only superficially aware of features like "unity gain", etc... So any information, and or opinioins would be greatly welcomed!

Hi all, thanks for your input...

Sdcampbell, I'm not sure I would want power amp inputs in back. Did you mean outputs?

Basically, I’d like to take the outputs for the two front channels, coming from the processor to the amp, and insert the pre. If I understand this correctly, the pre with the HT-pass thru capability would allow the signal coming from the processor to pass straight through (as untainted as possible), as though it weren't there, on its way to the amp. The second set of inputs to the pre would be connected to the outs of my Transport/DAC set up. That way, when I want to listen to 2-channel audio, I would essentially have a pure 2-channel set up: The outputs from the pre, would go straight to the amp as in any high-end rig. Right?

Kr4, I'll definitely look into the SF Line-1.

Ultimately, what I want is a good pre with this capability... because it's not like the processor can't play 2-channel - just not as well as a good pre.

I use the Adcom GFP750 for exactly this purpose. It has a HT bypass, and I have it hooked up just that way - the DAC goes right to the CD input, and the processor goes to the processor input, which goes right to the amp output without the Adcom doing anything to the signal. It works perfectly, and I gotta add, the Adcom is a killer at that price range. It's the cheapest thing in the system and it keeps up with everything else in the 2-channel (Theta, Bryston, Snell) just great. Used on Agon for 7 or 8 hundred all the time. But whichever preamp you go with, I found exactly what you suspect, even great processors (like the Cassanova) can't keep up with a (much cheaper!) good pre-amp. The HT bypass is the simplest way to go.
Also check out the BAT VK3i which has the balanced input and output capability and HT pass-thru and optional remote. Used should be just about $1K.
Thanks, Swampwalker. I hadn't thought of BAT components... I've heard great things of them... Didn't know they had a pass-through option. I'll certainly expand my search.