Fireworks in an Audio Research VT200

I turned on my amp the other day and as it was cycling through the start up process, I heard a large pop and then an enormous fireball flew out of the top of it. I immediately unplugged the amp. After taking all the tubes out and visually inspecting everything, I concluded that no tubes were blown. I put it all back together and it sounds great and I have had no problems since. The bias is fine.

Has anybody had experience with this sort of thing?

Agree with Cytocycle. Do NOT continue playing. I set fire to a wood cabinet because of a pair of faulty ARC amps and almost burned my father's house down.
Okay Guys, you officially have me scared!

I always thought that this only happened to "power" amps manufactured components from so-so companies.
(This happened to me with a Counterpoint amp one time, as one of the tubes blew and a foot tall flame shot out of the top).

I do not consider ARC to be a so-so company, in fact, I own two ARC components. I own a LS-2 preamp (with one tube) and a PH-3 phono preamp (with 3 tubes).

Question: Has anyone ever had an incident with a tube preamp, (in particular an ARC preamp) where the unit either blew up the tubes or caught fire.

I ask, because I sometime leave them on when I am not home. The units sound best when left on for an hour or more before listening (as most tube unit do).

Thanks for your input!