Fireworks in an Audio Research VT200

I turned on my amp the other day and as it was cycling through the start up process, I heard a large pop and then an enormous fireball flew out of the top of it. I immediately unplugged the amp. After taking all the tubes out and visually inspecting everything, I concluded that no tubes were blown. I put it all back together and it sounds great and I have had no problems since. The bias is fine.

Has anybody had experience with this sort of thing?

Agree with Cytocycle. Do NOT continue playing. I set fire to a wood cabinet because of a pair of faulty ARC amps and almost burned my father's house down.
Okay Guys, you officially have me scared!

I always thought that this only happened to "power" amps manufactured components from so-so companies.
(This happened to me with a Counterpoint amp one time, as one of the tubes blew and a foot tall flame shot out of the top).

I do not consider ARC to be a so-so company, in fact, I own two ARC components. I own a LS-2 preamp (with one tube) and a PH-3 phono preamp (with 3 tubes).

Question: Has anyone ever had an incident with a tube preamp, (in particular an ARC preamp) where the unit either blew up the tubes or caught fire.

I ask, because I sometime leave them on when I am not home. The units sound best when left on for an hour or more before listening (as most tube unit do).

Thanks for your input!
I would definitely call ARC or your local ARC dealer ASAP. My guess is the flash you saw was a fuse that popped.

A year ago I was actually told by Counterpoint that they never had an amp catch fire. Hm!

The ARC amps my father had when i was a kid were D-60's and believe it or not, solid state. They'd been installed in a custom cabinet by the high end audio shop he got them from. I was listening to Neil Young at an ear bleeding level and luckily I happened to walk back in from the yard just in time to see that the whole thing was on fire...right underneath dad's oracle turntable. No idea why this happened (whether there wasn't enough circulation in the cabinet or what) but i think about that fire every time i leave the house with my COUNTERPOINTS on.

I'm hoping someone can provide a reason here why not to worry. Then maybe they can talk to dear ol' dad.
Funny you should ask. I was relaxing....... reading a magazine with a little Ella Fitzgerald playing in the background the other night when all of a sudden WWHAM, HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! My entire living room lit up with a wonderful lightning display comming from my ARC VT200. I unplugged it (After I came back from the bathroom), called my local dealer and took it to a Very reputable local tech that they recommended. He fixed the amp (he thought), I brought it home and the second time I turned it on guess what.............. Well the amp is back in the shop and I am wondering what the hell is going on.

Funny you are having the same troubles. I would like to hear what you come up with on this, so please follow up.

Oh yeah, this all happened about six months after the amp had come back from ARC having been fully retubed and gone over.

I am becomming very frustrated as you can imagine.