Fireworks in an Audio Research VT200

I turned on my amp the other day and as it was cycling through the start up process, I heard a large pop and then an enormous fireball flew out of the top of it. I immediately unplugged the amp. After taking all the tubes out and visually inspecting everything, I concluded that no tubes were blown. I put it all back together and it sounds great and I have had no problems since. The bias is fine.

Has anybody had experience with this sort of thing?
I have had that happen quite a few times with various ARC amps. Usually it is a tube arching.
Sometimes it will take out a resistor. I would definately check the tubes at least.
I have repaired several ARC VT 200 amps with this situation.
It typically starts when one of the output tubes shorts and causes an arc in the plate or cathode ciucuit. It burns away some of the conducting trace ( hence the fireball) and sometimes takes out a resistor on the cathode or screen.The related tube should be tossed out and replaced.


Right now it is an easy and inexpensive fix.
Best to keep it that way.
Good luck.


The 200 banks several tubes onto one adjustment
My VT200mk2 stopped John Denver during an immense crescendo with a tube arc & an impressive white flash of blown resistor underneath -yes that smell is quite pungent - AR do fireproof their resistors. The 6550s were about 1200 hrs in but I replaced the lot. Leonard at AR is very helpful.
Maybe I should keep a fire extinguisher at hand given the above tales! Doa nt of you have experience with tube rolling in VT200mk2?
Doctor from durham, england
From the above posts, sounded like no speakers were damaged in any incidences. I have heard drawback of ARC amp - using one pot to bias 4 or more tubes leaving one tube to work much harder than others. Other brand, like Jadis or Sonic Frontiers, give each tube individual trim pot to bias the tube and consequently reduce load differences. Not sure how true this statement is.

So the 6C33 in BAT/Tenor also arc easily like 6550? I would think if it is good enough to be in a Russian Mig, it should be build like a tank. I ask because I now own VK-150, would like to keep my house and speakers intact. What can user do to prevent arcing short of changing tubes every other week?