Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
As always, very nice talking to you earlier today Audiolabyrinth. Hope you are doing well and enjoying your Krell power amp. Look over the thread "most holographic" power cords and give the gentleman some opinion on Tara Labs. I am sure he will enjoy your point of view, as we, were talking about Kubala Sousna and Stage III Concepts (my reference) power cords. Keep me posted & happy listening!

Happy New Year!
Hi Jafant,I enjoyed talking to you on the phone as well, I will take a peek at the thread you are talking about, anyway I can help with question's about Tara Labs, I will do my best, Thinking about putting a Furutech FI-50 Rhodium wall plug on the Krell to match the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium outlet in the wall, what do you think?, these furutech top of the line product's are a complete synergy match for the Tara Labs Zero Gold I/C, Omega Gold speaker cables, and Cobalt power cord that has oyaide termination's, look forward to your answer, Thankyou Jafant.
If anyone has question's on Tara Labs pricing, call Mr Devon Scott there at Tara Labs, their is two differnt version's of the new Air Evolution interconnect's, one version has the Evolution ground station, and this version is called the Extended bandwidth version, however, Do not get the Evolution ground station confused with the HFX ground station, the Air Evolution ground station is a down graded station for only the Air Evolution interconnect, none the less, their is a price difference between the Extended bandwidth and regular Air Evolution cables.
Another thought Audiolabyrinth, as I know, you love your Krell amps. Check out audio asylum, look into forums and look in the amp/preamp thread. There is a gentleman asking info about his cool-running KSA-100 power amp.
Read it over and let me know your thoughts. Happy Listening!
Jafant, Do I have to join up to be a member like here on audiogon?, likly I bet, I have no problem with that, I am also a member of one other audio forum site, audiogon takes 90% of the forum time, but I will look into it, how long have you been a member of audio asylum?