Which SS amps sound like a tube amp?

I'm doing research to find a new amp to replace my Parasound HCA 3500. I'd like the tubey midrange but the virtues of SS in the bass. Biamping is not an option as my rack is quite full. I need at least 200 wpc and want to spend less than 2k used. I'm driving VMPS Supertower/R SE's. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
GamuT amps have many attributes of good tube amps particulary with an excellent tube preamp. The secret of the GamuT is a single switching MOSFET output device which means no matching problems and a "single voice". I listen to my Gamut Mk.3 with the deHavilland Mercury triode tube preamp. My jazz, opera and classical music sounds extremely natural, emotionally involving and very much like the live concerts I attend. I am sure fine tweeking (refined cables,PC, vibration control, room treatment, purified AC) all add to the realism.
hi folks. carver amps or anything with the carver name on it is absolutly junk. there equipment looks very exspensive but what comes out sounds terrible. the only piece worth looking at is the silver 7.
I would go for Cary cad 200 very tube like sounding amp and good price on Audiogon