Which model Tannoy for my audio room

My dedicated audio room is 12 ft wide x 16 ft long x 7.5 ft high. There are no open walls, one door 36" wide in one corner.
The rear of the speakers would be parallel to the 12 ft wall.
I am interested in hearing from people that have listened to Tannoy's in similar to my room size.
I have (3) 300b amps, 8 watts , 15 watts and 26 watts. The 8 and 16 was are set mono's, the 26 is push/pull.
How big a Tannoy speaker can I use in my room ?
I listen to classical and rock on vinyl.

Any comments are appreciated.

If you are talking about the old prestige line I think it is called. I think you should speak with the US distributor. Limiting factors might be cost as well as room size and amps.
Tannoys can work very well in many different rooms. There has been discussion on this very subject recently on Hans Hilberink's Tannoy Yahoo website.

Google the Yahoo forum site, and also Hans' Tannoy website.

I use 12" HPD 315's, with either an SET 300B amp, or, 500 Wpc Class D amps in my 16.5' X 34' w/cathedral ceilings, excellent results with both amps in this setting.

Best of luck, regards,
I was thinking of the larger more efficient models like
Canterbury or Westminster.

I don't know if they will work in a small room,that's why I wanted info from people that have listened to them .

Thanks for the hans info , I'll look at this website.
I would go with the kensingtons or the canterburys. I think the yorkminsters bass would overwhelm the room. Maybe the stirlings. Canterburys maybe be borderline too much as well.