Amps for ESL

I'm looking for suggested amps for Quad 988's, but I am chasing something different for these speakers, not the usual stuff. I'm looking into Bryston or Classe pre and power. Anyone with any experience or advice?


Thanks for the advice

The reason I mention SS amps is because they are rarely used for electrostats and I am curious as to why, but after much reading I have a fair idea now.

The Innersound amps have gotten great feedback from the ESL camp and I am definately going to try to get my hands on one for an audition. Only drama is I'm in Australia and I can't find a dealer, and I'm waiting for a reply from Innersound.

I've also read good things about Classe but not anything with Esls though. I absolutely love these speakers and it seems anything I put through them just sounds "magical", but upgradeitis is really taking over and I am continuously looking for information on amps before I decide on a shortlist.

Thanks heaps for your help guys

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I use the Innersound esl amp to drive Magnepan 1.6 and love the effortless sound. Paul Seydor, a reviewer for The Absolute Sound, reviewed the Innersound esl amp with Quad speakers in the February 2001 issue. Here is a link to the review:
If you are interested in an Innersound amp and you can't find a dealer in Oz, give Duke at Audiokinesis a call or email. He is one of the best people to work with in the industry, not just amongst dealers either : ) Sean

PS... BIG voltage and BIG current are a winning combination for any type of reactive and / or low impedance load. The less "finicky" the load that the amp sees and the more efficient the speaker is, the easier it is to pick amps.
I had the quad esl 63 with the stax da80(45 watts pure class A,and stx da 100,100w class A),
They really are singing superb mid rande ,musical,et plenty of dry bass.
You could get a da80 for $800 on audiogon but you have to be patient,never seen a da 100