Benefits of tube sound with SS amp with tube cdp?

I have read the countless threads regarding the sound benefits of ss amp with tube preamp. It seems like where I'd like to be (firm bass with smooth mids and highs). I'm running my Jolida JD100 tube cdp directly to my Krell amp (using EVS attenuators for volume control). Am I getting the benefits of "tube sound" from my cdp or would the addition of a tube preamp be beneficial. My speakers are N805 and my listening preferences are instrumental and vocal jazz.
I use a tube cdp. I like the rounded feel to voices and bells. There is a spaciousness, and feeling of air I don't hear with solid state cdps.

I use a Pass Labs Alepyh P to do switching and volume. Pass labs X600 monos push the 1 ohm load my speakers present.

The Pass equipment is sweet and clean, allowing every nuance of my tube rolling to clearly show through.
This thread prompted me to try the cdp direct to the amp.
The way it was set up before made the 1m IC too short to reach the amp or I would have tried it sooner. Bottom line is it sounds better through the Placette Passive than direct from the Granite 657 to amp. It's very good direct, but it does not have the same three dimensional image as through the linestage.
Eagle, thanks very much for the trial and the feedback. These interactive threads are the way this site prospers. Info, debate and discussion motivate people to try new things. Ultimately, Audiogon hopes we try new things by purchasing the new or used equipment on this site, but at the end of the day our interraction with solid feedback is what I enjoy. Thanks to all who have contributed on this thread (so far).