How is the OTL sound like?

Hi I would like to know how is the OTL Amp sound like? Solid State or Tube. I heard many discussion about these amp but never have chance to listen to one.

Vxphan for the Merlins I recommend you listen to, if you can, both the Berning zh270 and the Joule. You can't go wrong with either although each give a different presentation. but offer that speed, clarity and presence that is the hallmark of this design. The Transcendent is also very good, less expensive but also less power. It may not be enough but for a small space. The Atma-spheres I haven't heard with the VSM.
dear folks,

what are these speakers have more than 8 ohm? i have Virgo II, can these match with atma sphere??

Hey Tim

I believe the Virgo's go down to 4 ohms? This would be marginal with the Atma-sphere but this is where the zero autoformer comes into play with such a load. Your other options are the Berning which by ears I trust work quite well with the Virgos.

Dynamic Speakers with greater than 8 ohms are few. Coincident is probably the best example. 8 ohms will work quite well with most OTL amps. The big Atma-sphere's and Joules supposedly work into 4 ohm loads but not anything less.
Hi, Tubegroover,

OTL is the amp i have been thinking for awhile, but always worries about the matching problem. you are right that virgos are 4 ohm, it concerns me a bit.
