Which basic amps can drive 1 ohm loads ?

Which amps will drive 1 ohm loads like Apogee Speakers?
I've got what would be a great deal for ya on a modified Sony receiver. I know it will work like gang-busters on those speakers.... : ) Sean
Yep I third Aragon. Palladiums will delivery over 1000(1500 on dynamic peaks roughly) watts at under 2 ohms.
Muralman: Just read over some of your responses. Aragon Palladiums can rum 1 ohm and below with realitve ease. Very underrated amp,especially for driving extreme low impedance loads. Awhile back we did a lil test running 4(at one point we had 6 speakers in total running off of one channel, but the last pair were 6 ohm nominal speakers) true 4 ohm nominal speakers in parallel off of one channel back in 98'. She ran the load all day long(which is a serious statement)at moderate volume with no overheating issues whatsoever. If your wall has the current, the Aragon's will deliver, and they will do it reliably. Too bad Klipsh owns em now. I believe the Palladium 1k's are going to be discontinued real soon. They are the last of the truely industrial quality amps built by this company.
Ritteri, I am not arguing about whether the Palladium has the current to run <1 ohm. I just would not put my money on them surviving high dynamic peak fluctuations.

There are very few <1 ohm speakers out there. I own one of them. My X600 monos have enormous power capabilities, and huge heat sinks. Even they get too hot to touch more than momentarily.

I know a lot of the <1ohm speaker owners. None use Aragons. Many use Aragons on 4 ohm speakers, mostly in a bi amp configuration, the Aragon being relegated to bass panel duty.