Which basic amps can drive 1 ohm loads ?

Which amps will drive 1 ohm loads like Apogee Speakers?
I use the McIntosh MC-2100 to drive my Apogee Duetta
Signatures. Transformer coupling eliminates most amp
matching problems. They sound super with the McIntosh
"transformer" outputs.

Though the thread is a bit old, this is geared towards Muralman.

Aragon Paaladium true specs(not their conservatively posted specs):

8 ohms: 150 watts in class A operation, 500 watts in Class AB(listed: 125 watts CLass A, 400 watts Class AB)
4 ohms:80 watts Class A operation, 850 watts in class AB(no rating given for class A, 600 watts given RMS for class AB)
2 ohms:45 watts Class A,1400 watts Class AB(listed rating for 1000 watts RMS)
1 ohm: 25 watts Class A, >1500 watts Class AB(no listed rating. But Palladiums are recommended to be on seperate 20amp circuits if driving loads 2ohms or lower regardless)
.5ohms:15 watts Class A, >1500 watts class AB(no listed rating)

Though Ive heard a few folks state that the amp doesnt fully "double down" its output rating as the impedance drops, Id like to point out that NO AMP can double down its true output, no matter what the mfg. claims. Alot of amps state that they can to some extent, but in reality its not physically possible.

Each Palladium is a true differential balanced monoblock. Each block features a 2000kVA Toroidal with 140,000uf capacitance, 24 output devices that are rated for a total of 2400 watts per side maximum.Heatsink mass is also very similiar to the x600's btw muralman, and is LESS than 10% in total mass surprisingly which is in line with all the other specs on the amp in reality. The 8008BB is basically half the ratings listed above, the 4004mkII is also very similiar with less output. All 3 can drive Scintillas with ease. And I know of a handfull of folks driving Apogee 1 ohm speakers with Aragon products(Along with some older Krell models too)as stated earlier.
Ritteri, I own Scintillas, like I have said before. I bought the X600 as an assurance I could not only power the Scintilla, but as well squeeze out the last drop of ecstacy these speakers are capable of.

The Pass X600 has twice the size torroidal as the Palladium, more output devices, Hexfets, and more power storage capacitance too.

Mine is definitely bigger :)

Despite these great amp's muscle, they offer just what the Scinnies need and nothing more. I know there have been others getting by on Classe, Aragon, and Krell amps, but I am interested in ultimate performance, not can do.
One last thing too, I have heard of and seen 4004 amps overheat due to their heatsink mass being substantially less(about 50% less) than the newer 8008/Palladium models.