Gryphon gets no press, but is great.

Gryphon, a product I sold back in the early '90's is magical sounding gear. But according to the Owner Principal designer, he can't get arrested in the U. S. Press. I have emailed an acquaintence (Robert Harley) from my days as Director of Sales for THIEL Audio, about this and he was vaguely aware of some of this, even to the point of saying that he had a memory a negative review. That seems impossible if you read the Worldwide rave press they receive. Plus as an owner of the Callisto integrated, I can verifiy that it runs away from virtually all things (even some separates costing multiples) comparable. Why is it that a product that is so good, from their integrateds, to their separates, doesn't get a better shake in the our country? Marketing has been, in my evaluation poor, and I have shared this with Mr. Rasmussen, but even so, sometimes ground swells of interest have overcome this. Flemming Rasmussen, who is the owner, says, that the U.S. is not a large enough market for "his kind of product", and that Americans may lack the "sophistocation" to appreciate it. He was not being condescendig or vitriolic, just sadly stating his perspective. Of course, seeing all the two channel (brother) audiophiles out there, I can't believe that. What is up, other than poor marketing choices?
Any ideas and thoughts from current or previous owners would be good input. Frankly, while traveling all over the U. S. I never saw it in stores. That is sad given its performance.
"Idiots who make a lot of money without earning it?"
HMMM.... Well according to Rasmussen the owner of Gryphon, they don't really miss or need the American market. I guess the European and Asian markets where the people who earn lots of money, and aren't idiots, and so are therefore deserving of lots of money can, and will buy it.
Sounds a little angry to me.
Borg ship building? FYI Dan DiAgastino, Krell's owner, not only embraces high tech looks,(which I personally don't like) but his entire line is named after the Krell, a fictional, advanced race of people, wipped out by their collective Id, fomerly of the planet Altair; from the 1954, I think was the year, movie Forbidden Planet, starring Leslie Nielson, Walter Pidgeon et al.
My comments were only that such a terrific product could do well if marketed correctly. Not that they "needed" it.
I don't get it. The Gryphon doesn't sell in this country, so the response from some Gryphon fans is to Bash the US? Is something wrong with this picture? Gryphon is a great product, and Americans will cough up the money if they perceive it to be worth the dead presidents. I guess it's easy for Flemming to blow off the US market because he seems to be doing well elsewhere. That's fine--but let's not pretend people are stupid, or that no market can be created. Blaming customers doesn't get anything sold. The integrateds sound spectacular! If this great product ever has great marketing, I have no doubt Flemming would sell a ton right here.
Hi Larry
Aberdeen Audio is a Gryphon Key dealer for the NY area. US Distribution is handled by Gryphon in Denmark. Dealers are invited to contact Gryphon direct at:
We at will be reviewing the Encore amp, Prelude preamp as well as the new CD player. I have spent time with the Ecore in my system, and whoa, what a piece.
Hooked up to the new Talon Firebirds(Chekthe site for a very exiting review on a killer speaker) fronted by the Linn Sondek cd12, a Rowland Coherence pre all lashed together with the Silversmith Palladium cables (review up before CES).

It was tough to get the gear as they are very skittish, but they have a trully great line of products that embodies the true nature and spirit of high-end.
I have read this thread w/ some interest last year but could make no intelligent comments. I finally heard some Gryphon gear!

The gear was:
Wadia 861 CDP
Gryphon CDP
Gryphon Allegro Sonata 2-chassis preamp
Gryphon Antilleon Signature Stereo power amp - 150W/ch pure class-A operation
Dynaudio Confidence 5 floor standing speakers - these are no longer in production but were $10,000/pair when manuf. They use a (natural) silk Esotar tweet, (natural) silk dome mid & an isobaric 8" woofer. The drivers arrangement is inverted i.e. the tweet is the lowest, above it is the mid & the top-most is the woofer. Time-aligned & 1st order electric xover.
Interconnects were Argento VDM
Speaker cables were Argento VDM
Power cords were a mixture of VdH & Jorma (Swedish)

The sound of this system using the Gryphon CDP was exemplary & made me cry! It was so emotional & musically satisfying. Fantastic timbral accuracy, excellent soundstaging, hours of listening without any fatigue, plenty of details without being analytical & most of all emotionally very satisfying.

I flet that I had reached 1 level of sonic Nirvana when I listened to the Gryphon-Confidence 5 system!!