Passive preamplification can:
- roll off the top end and the bottom end
- limit dynamics
- limit resolution, especially at low volumes
- limit gain
Now there are definite levels of passive preamps. And possibly the absolute best passive preamp that is matched 100% correctly to a given system may be better than an active preamp (maybe any active). But these passives are few and far between (I have yet to hear one). Passive preamps get better and better as the volume control is opened up more and more (as more signal flows through them). I went from passive preamplification to tube active preamplification and it was like a haze was lifted off of the music.
- roll off the top end and the bottom end
- limit dynamics
- limit resolution, especially at low volumes
- limit gain
Now there are definite levels of passive preamps. And possibly the absolute best passive preamp that is matched 100% correctly to a given system may be better than an active preamp (maybe any active). But these passives are few and far between (I have yet to hear one). Passive preamps get better and better as the volume control is opened up more and more (as more signal flows through them). I went from passive preamplification to tube active preamplification and it was like a haze was lifted off of the music.