Preamps. Do we really need them?

I've been shopping for a new preamp lately, reading the forums, etc. If I have only one source, a DAC into which all my digital components feed into, do I really need a preamp and not just a volume control. After all, that's all I really need from a preamp. I've heard about passive rigs that just control volume, or attenuate it. I understand that you lose some volume if, the source's output isn't enough to drive the amp staight. I'm willing to make that sacrifice.
Eldartford, even though I was funnin..your answer shows great knowledge. I have therefore placed you name in my little book of people to come to for answers, you are a great asset to this site...and I'm not funnin this time!

It is my contention that if you have:

1. A source with low output impedance, most made today do
2. A power amp with a high input impedance, many do, especially tube amps
3. cables with low reactance that aren't too long from pre to power amp, I use 1/2 meter Cardas Neutral Reference

there is no way an active stage can do anything but degrade the signal.

I have used and I am using a passive preamp with wonderful results. Great dynamics, superb resolution, plenty of extension on both ends of the frequency spectrum, and I saved a bunch of money not having to buy an expensive preamp.

As suggested, buy a good used unit and try it.
I have owned a number of preamps, both active and passive. I’ve finally settled on a passive from Placette. It is mercilessly accurate and transparent. It comes with a full money back guaranty if you don’t like it.