Amp's to mate with Martin Logan Prodigy speaker's

Hi I am looking for some amp suggestions to go with the Martin Logan Prodigy speaker's. I would like to use tubes but would consider SS. My budget is 4500.00. I am new to this site and would lie to say thanks for any help in advance.
Odyssey amps, Bigger ARC's, Spectral, Levisnson's all seem to shine with these speakers.
Has anyone used the Edge NL10 Solid sate or Wolcott 220 tube amp with these speakers. I have been looking at these pretty hard. They can had for around 5000.00 or so used?? It is a little $$ above my budget but I could swing it up to that amount. Thanks. Jake
Jake7, you might want to at least audition a pair of Antique Sound Labs "Hurricane's" if you can accomodate tubes.

Several pair here @ 'Gon for around $3200.00

I have owned (6) different pairs of Logans, and currently have a pair of VMPS RM40's powered by the Hurricanes with fantastic results.
Greetings. I am using the Krell Showcase Amp/ Pre/Pro with my Prodigy's, and it sounds great (except for blowing the Theater (center channel) tweeters with the new Chemical Brothers DVD!) but want to bi-amp with the Antique Sound Labs Hurricanes- tubes for the stats and the Krell for the bottoms. What results has anyone experienced with this combo? Thanks for any info.
I ended up getting a pair of Wolcott 220 tube amp's, in fact these were Albert Porter's amp's he used for his system. I must say these are the best amp's I have heard!!. I have tried everything from Audio Research VT100 to the VT200 and just recently the pass labs X350 and Manley Neo classic 250's and these are by far best I have had in my system with these speakers. Great amp's thank Albert!! I did go over my budget by some not allot, but was worth every penny. Thanks for all the help. I did want to try the Edge NL10 or 12 but never had the chance. My search is over.