Levinson 23 or 23.5?

Is there a lot of difference between the Levinson 23 & 23.5?
This is some additional information that I had found in an old Stereophile magazine, April 1992 Vol. 15 No. 4 Recommended Components

A significant redesign of the original 23 has resulted in an altogether more musical-sounding amplifier, according to JA (though LL feels it to be too laid-back for his tastes). Compared with the 20.5s the 300Wpc 23.5 offers a more vivid, more dynamic, better-defined view into the image, though it still doesn’t approach the standard set by the Audio Research Classic 60 in this respect. Its soundstage is also a little shallower than that thrown by the Krell KSA-250, but it handily outperforms even that beast when it comes to low-frequency extension and weight. At its best with dark-sounding loudspeakers, such as the KEF R107/2 with which it makes a musically synergistic match.
(Vol. 14 No. 9)

I also have the interview of this same amp. In TAS. If you want it I can make copies and mail it to you just e-mail me your address.

Also in the above statement they say that this amp. Is 300 WPC that’s an error its 200 WPC.