Which Amp will make the802N sing

I just took delivery of a pair of Nautilus 802's which do not match any equipment I presently own. I started about a year ago, not anticipating catching the bug, With Arcam FMJ integrated and power amp's, sourcing from FMJ tuner and DAC, runing into 804N's via Straight wire Maistro. I've considered from reading only, the Audio Research LS25 pre with the VT200amp and less bright Cardas cable. Has anyone heard this system or have any thoughts . Looking for a natural presentation which is detailed and tight from top to bottom with a wide and 3 dimentional sound stage. Thank you for the feedback..
The best I heard with Nautilus 802 was with Jeff Rowland Model 12s. I couldn't believe 200 watts could control the 802, but it beautifully. I guess Rowland must way under rate his amplifiers.
disclaimer...I do have a pair for sale, so take it with a grain of salt as I used to own the N802.
FWIW - A friend had N803s and the Rowland Concentra II was by far the best match beating Levinson, BAT, Rogue and Plinius.
I think the Plinius SA-102 is great with N802's. Great Control and power, but at the same time extremely musicaly as well. Good luck
I think the Plinius SA-102 is great with N802's. Great Control and power, but at the same time extremely musicality as well. Good luck