Which Amp will make the802N sing

I just took delivery of a pair of Nautilus 802's which do not match any equipment I presently own. I started about a year ago, not anticipating catching the bug, With Arcam FMJ integrated and power amp's, sourcing from FMJ tuner and DAC, runing into 804N's via Straight wire Maistro. I've considered from reading only, the Audio Research LS25 pre with the VT200amp and less bright Cardas cable. Has anyone heard this system or have any thoughts . Looking for a natural presentation which is detailed and tight from top to bottom with a wide and 3 dimentional sound stage. Thank you for the feedback..
Has anyone tried or considered a Pass X350 or X250 with N802's? If so, please share your thoughts.
If your 802Ns are new, let it break in with 200 hours of playing music before you do any real auditioning of new pieces at home. Use the XLO CD with the burn-in track to accelerate the process.

If your 802Ns are not new, start upgrading a piece at a time instead of replacing the whole preamp/poweramp setup all at once. The goal is to find a power amp that works well enough, in terms of power and control, with the 802 and then search for a new preamp to "fine tune" the setup.

Determine if the Arcam FMJ integrated can be used as separate pre or power amps by simply pulling out some jumpers or switching. If so, use the Arcam as a preamp first to drive a new power amp.

The 802Ns have a detailed but slightly sweet/warm (euphonic) character, so I am concerned that the Cardas interconnects and speaker cables will accentuate the "mushy romantic" character too much. A Krell poweramp using Transparent Music Ultra MM speaker cables is worth considering. Silver content cables may over accentuate the "metallic" quality of the Nautilus tweeter.

Feel free to email me if necessary.

I would agree with the Transparent cables but I must dissagree with the Krell, as every B&W system I have heard with Krell is harsh (bass control in spades but harsh in the tweeter).

The ARC stuff would sound nice, you could also consider a Conrad Johnson Preamp if you preferred a bit of warmth on those B&W's
My 802s sound great with an Arcam FMJ DV 27,connected to Audio Research LS25MKII pre with Cardas Golden Reference, then connected to a Mcintosh MC352 with Harmonic Technology Pro Silway II XLRs and finally The new MIT Magnum 2 Biwires to the speakers.

Good Luck.
First time Ive ever heard anyone calling the N802's sweet and warm. Ill call them a detailed and slightly forward speakerset by nature. Tube amps are great matches for B&W N speakers. Ever think about auditioning one of BAT hybrid amps?? BAT and B&W is a great combo.