You folks have to provide more info if you want well thought out answers.
1) Will you be using sources other than your digital player ? If so, what other sources do you plan on using. The reason that i ask is that input switching versatility and system gain comes into play here.
2) Does versatility of the digital player matter i.e. do you want to be able to play dvd's, SACD's, DVD-A, etc... at all or is this strictly going to be a redbook player ? I know that you didn't mention these other formats, but it is something to consider now prior to purchasing rather than changing your mind later.
3) What kind of music do you listen to and how loud ? Obviously, higher spl's in a bigger room will require higher power levels. This may swing part of the budget one way more-so than the other.
Obviously, you are not against buying used or you wouldn't be here on Agon. If you shop carefully, you could easily put together a very nice sounding system for the budget that you have in mind. You don't have to spend big dollars to obtain a very nice sounding, enjoyable audio rig. 90% of the performance of most rigs can be had for 2 - 3K if buying used and one knows what to look for and set things up. The next 5 - 7% of performance brings the entry price up quite a bit from that point. Trying to achieve that last 3 - 5% of "musical resolution" can drive you into bankruptcy if your not careful. : ) Sean
1) Will you be using sources other than your digital player ? If so, what other sources do you plan on using. The reason that i ask is that input switching versatility and system gain comes into play here.
2) Does versatility of the digital player matter i.e. do you want to be able to play dvd's, SACD's, DVD-A, etc... at all or is this strictly going to be a redbook player ? I know that you didn't mention these other formats, but it is something to consider now prior to purchasing rather than changing your mind later.
3) What kind of music do you listen to and how loud ? Obviously, higher spl's in a bigger room will require higher power levels. This may swing part of the budget one way more-so than the other.
Obviously, you are not against buying used or you wouldn't be here on Agon. If you shop carefully, you could easily put together a very nice sounding system for the budget that you have in mind. You don't have to spend big dollars to obtain a very nice sounding, enjoyable audio rig. 90% of the performance of most rigs can be had for 2 - 3K if buying used and one knows what to look for and set things up. The next 5 - 7% of performance brings the entry price up quite a bit from that point. Trying to achieve that last 3 - 5% of "musical resolution" can drive you into bankruptcy if your not careful. : ) Sean