Krell FPB 300cx enough to drive B&W Nautilus 801?

I'm about to purchase the Nautilus 801s, along with the Krell FPB 300cx amp. Would there be any significant improvement if I were to get the Krell 400cx instead? I emphasize the word significant, because price is a major issue. I know the 801s need power, so any opinions as to the sufficiency of the 300cx would be much appreciated. Thanks.
If money is no object buy the 400. The 300 is a great amp and will sound great. I doubt you will be disappointed
I was looking at getting the 300cx for my thiel 2.4 before settling with the Classe' ca401 which has a little bit more power. The 300cx has more then enough power but I believe that it is not how loud you want to push an amp but how well the amp performs when playing in the same sound level. A higher power amp will always performs better. Just think if 300cx can play loud with most speakers then why they need a 700cx!
With the CA401 I can listen at very low level and yet without losing dynamics. Just like driving a big V8 at cursing speed, smooth with great ease!
Well I don't entirely agree with a lot of you on here. I for 1 have two speakers the MBL 111B and the B&W 801N. First, for the Diamond series: the diamond tweeter does sound a little darker(ie less bright) and the crossover was improved somewhat, but keep in mind the diamond tweeter diaphrame is heavier and not metalic so yes it does sound a little smoother. Modifying the crossover in the 801N will get you some great results but be prepared to spend money on some on high end parts. The woofers were also changed for lack of a better word in the 801s Im not sure about the other models? The 801's are fairly effient and rated for 1000 watts (the MBL's are 78db and 2200 watts)but they are a difficult load, a stronger amp with a beefier power supply and robust output stage is going to get the most out of them. The MACS arn't even class A of course they run cool, the 801N's are generally a 3-4 ohm load, I listened to the MACS but was not that impressed so far, maybe it wasn't the right system or something. I was looking to switch over to MACS but gave up on that after hearing them versus the Krell on some 800D's. There is more to this than just the Power you guys are discussing, take for example my FPB350mc's they put out 485 into 8 ohms, the FPB450mcX puts out the same amount, 485 watts, on the test bench but being an "X" amp it does have improved circuit boards giving it a much wider bandwidth and honestly a better sound. I'm not saying anything negative about the FPB350m or mc, they are amazing amps they can even run my MBl's very very hard without any compression, if the wall voltage is held to 117 volts they are smooth as silk they only get that agressive sound when you get into the 125 volt range like we have here in CA. The MONO amps are far superior to the stereo amps, I hate the guys that exagerate so much on here but please understand me it is a night and DAY difference, the imaging, depth, hieght, and power of the mono amps is easily heard. I have a FPB300c for the rear channels and it was my first "c" amp, when I got the MONO's my wife said WOW that's a lot better, she claims not to be into it but she is totally an audio snob. Her granfather was an audiophile, her dad and she married one, enough said. You think the sound improvement from the earlier amps to the later is the wattage but it's the same it's the circuitry that's improved, in the case of the "c" amps it's mostly the driver stage. For the "X" amps, the circuitry is so good the bandwidth goes from 0-150mhz to 0-450mgz with the given increase in sound quality. What's the bandwidth on those MACS again??? he he he

Again the FPB 600 and FPB700 amps are not equivelant to the MONO brothers. The stereo amps are bridged designs. so the specs look the same except for the transformers of course which are much lager in the MONO amps. I personally think the FPB750mcX is the finest amp I have ever heard, better than the EVO units (except the 1&2) to my ears. I have not heard a good comparison with the EVO "e" series amps yet but I understand the circuit boards are better on those. I also have the FPB650mc amps and want to upgrade them to the mighty FPB750mcX amps and upgrade my KRC3 preamp to the EVO 202. the EVO1&2, best I have ever heard in my life!

The lower line FPB200 and 250 mono's just never sounded right? I'm not sure why they do not carry the torch but they just don't? I do listen to mine pretty loud at times but not 1000 watts, my 650's only put out 975 watts into 8 ohms anyway. But there is not a ton of difference in sound between the 350's and the 650's but for whatever reason the 650's do sound some how a little better, and believe it or not slightly stronger bass too.

What is the best amp, literally the FPB750mcX but my favorite is the FPB350mc MONO's, they are stunning in bang for the buck. Not easy living with all the dedicated power lines, heat and power bills but they cost less to operate than the EVO's lol. My wife hates the power bills here in CA and the heat in summer, but she only whins about it nothing serious.


Second: I have a few different Krell systems
Well first step done, I did get the FPB750MCX amps yesterday and got them set up last night. I love em. With the 801N's they are so smooth I think they would be even smoother with the 801D? There is a little more air up there with the X amps, it's only been one day but I would swear the new amps have a little more bass control? They seem to have a smoother mid-range too more like the Pass amps. They definitely do not care that the 801N's have a 15" woofer they push it around like it's an 8", sooo much definition and punch! It's amazing to me how much finesse and articulation these have and are still so smooth and effortless, I think these speakers were designed for these amps? They just get everything there is to get out of the 801N's, who the hell needs a sub? Top to bottom they just make it sound so easy, no strain at all. I running them with all 2ft runs of Krell Path speaker cable. Big chorus works are just amazing I can point to every singer, I can tell what kind of mallet they are using on the bass drum so easily. How they make the 801's start and stop like that on Michael Jackson's "This is it" I don't even know, you hear absolutely everything but it's not at all or ever harsh. I just feel like compared to the MC amps there is a little more air, bass definition and I can hear further into the music somehow? but honestly we are talking like that last 2%-3% here. Only from memory, but these amps look like they are even cleaner inside with the circuit design, it's like art in there. I can't remember for sure, but I think the little transformer in there for the circuitry is new too? I don't think my MC amps have that?

Can't wait to get a better preamp but I do love the KRC3, no regret's there it's so musical. I like to tweak and improve things like most all of you, but I do love the way this sounds right now, it's just so effortlessly musical. I can live with it for a long time like this.

Hey Rob,
Check out Dan's hour long video interview on his web site News section -- He talks about Krell and other things very interesting -- you will love it -- lots of great info -- but he also talks about other amps he thinks are great -- "PASS"
-- Keep up the good info on your system -