Parasound JC-1 with B&W Nautilus speakers?

Hello All,have any of you had the chance to listen to the JC-1 and B&W Nautilus speakers? I currently have B&W N802 for LR front, HTM1 Center, N804 Surround. My Pre is B&K Ref-50 and Amp is B&K Ref-200.5. I am looking to upgrade my system for better 2 channel performance. I am starting with the Amp first, 2 ch pre-amp with unity gain for HT bypass and then CD a high quality combo DVD/SACD/CD. I will keep my B&K equipment for HT use. I am considering the following amps; Levinson 436, Mcintosh MC602 or MC501, and Parasound JC-1. I have already auditioned the Mcintosh and Levinson in my home and will be getting the JC-1 this week from my local dealer to audition. Thanks for your input.
Hello All,

Thanks for your responses to my questions. I just wanted to give you an update so far on the JC-1s in my system. The amps have been installed for a week and running continuously with source material coming from my satellite receiver when I am not listening to miusic or watching a movie. I have listened to Rock, Jazz and Classical music with the JCs and I am finding them to be very versitile. The soundstage is becomming dimensional. Initially, there was height and width but not much depth, but now I am getting good depth as well. On most of the source material I have listend to, the speakers have completely disappeared. I managed to borrow a friends Krell 300CD for a couple of days and that made a big difference compared to my CD player. I had a much better soundstage with the Krell. I have an older model TT, Technics SL-10 that I purchased 20 years ago; I recently purchased an Ortofone cartridge for it and I must say that my vinyl has never sounded better. So far, in my opinion, these amps have been a great match with the N802s.
Hi Tfee,
Would appreciate if you could share with us your thoughts on JC1 a few months after you own them. I am in Bangkok and very much interested in JC-1 to drive my B&W802N. I have been changing power amp and still looking for the one that could handle the 802N. Mark Levenson is out of my league if I need 400wpc. Unfortunately, the exclusive dealer in Bangkok refuse to demo the unit even in their showroom and overcharging the price, so I try to figure out other power amp that could go well with the 802N. I am using 2 sets of power amp - a BAT VK-500 with BATPAK (250wpc), and push-pull tube Antique Sound Lab Hurricanes (200wpc). Keep switching back and forth and end up keeping both. The BAT is a tad too sweet and fat lower mid. The ASL is a tad too analytical, but throw a big 3D sound stage. I am looking for something in between.
Hope that you could share your thoughts and experience in a quest for the right amp for B&W802N.
Som the JC1 are special,for the price they are cheap,
Read Michael Fremmer review,very accurate review.
One thing I like about the JC1,they put the instrument
in the right place.I prefer them than the Levinsons,
Krells, and Pass Lab.Forget about your dealer.
Thanks for your advice. The problem I had is that Parasound dealer is exclusive for Thailand and they slap 30% premium on msrp. Therefore, it is not that cheap. I used to own the old ML 23.5 (200wpc)but it could not drive my B&W so I have been searching for the right amp in the past 3 years. I tried Bryston (forgot the exact model) stereo and monoblock 400wpc, but they could not grip B&W802N woofer as well as BAT. I will not have a chance to listen to jc-1 as they do not even demo the amp. I guess I'm stuck here. I may have to take the risk and plunge in blind; therefore, appreciate all the feedback I could get. I reported to Bob Crump designer of the JC-1 who feedback to Richard of Parasound. May be he could persuade the dealer the right way to sell jc-1 and I got a chance to try the amp if it fits my system.
Hey Tfee,

It's been 11 month's! Your JC-1's are fully broken-in, how about an update?