McCormack DNA-125/225 Upgrades

There has been much written here regarding the fabulous results of Steve McCormack's personal mods to the older DNA amplifier series (0.5, 1, and 2). Many of you know that I have been waiting for mods to become available to the newer DNA series (125/225). They are now available and I have mine scheduled to go in January (yes, there is a relatively significant backlog at this time). Steve is planning Gold and Platinum level upgrades, as opposed the the B, A, and A-gold, as in the past. These sound like very exciting mods and, if you are interested, call Steve for details.

Just a heads up to those who had wondered when these mods would be offered. By all accounts these mods are outstanding and will bring the 125 or 225 to the level of THE finest amps available.

I have nothing to do with SMCAudio, just a happy user of McCormack.


Thnx for the post. As a new owner of the 125 it is something I look forward to. Question, what preamp, if any, do you use?

Will the upgrades to the DNA-125 and DNA-225 will put them in the new Mccormack DNA-500 amp territory sonically?
Matty, I have used passive and active preamps. I had good luck with a Bent but passed it along for other reasons. I am currently using a Herron VTSP-1A linestage in which Keith Herron installed a new 166-step volume control (which are now standard). OUTSTANDING. As you may now, gain control is a must with the high output of the McCormacks.

DL, I expect from conversations I have had with Steve McCormack and others that the Platinum revisions to the DNA-225 will result in an amp that will be the sonic equal of most any amp upwards of $15K. Gold revisions in the neighborhood of $1400, Platinum (including Plitron transformer and fully balanced inputs) about $2300. Call Steve for details and full text descriptions are to be on the website soon.
Daltonlanny, I think the DNA 125-225 Revisions will not take into the territory of the DNA 500, it will be a totally different amp. Remember that the DNA 125, 225 and 500 were built to meet a price point and the standards of the factory. The 125, 225 and 500 amps differ only in power output rating. I am sure that the Mods will actually tailor and clean up the sound of these already well tested amps. If you notice the price of the mods, the Platinum, I am sure for the 225 model go for $2400....that is as close as the full retail price of the amp itself....if you calculate the mark up of the factory, you can say that in reality you are getting an amp with at most $1000 parts on it, but for $2400 of modifications, I bet that the labor would be close to maybe, I am estimating about $75 hoursx10=$750...and the rest, parts=1650 in parts. An amp with $1000 worth in parts+$1650 more in parts would be in reality $2650Xretail markup= 6-7K. This is a wild guess, I am sure that the CJ factory actually spends less on each amp. According to someone in the this thread, he said that SMc stated that the amp with the Platinum upgrade can go against amps that retail for 15k....I am not to doubt that. If his designs were put into production, are attractively priced, because the DNA amps are very well priced in comparison to other brands and still are able to produce flooring reviews from magazines and audiophiles, as well as to work out in the calculation of the company ambitions, I would not that that Smc can pull a near miracle with $2400 of your hard earned dollars. This is my take on this. I will have to begin scrounging money for the upgrade.

Reading this thread, and particularly Paul's post, made me think about what you are really getting for your money with these upgrades. I owned the DNA2 and seriously considered having it upgraded by SMc. My conversations with the folks at SMc showed them to be dedicated, professional and very helpful. However, as I researched it, my decision was that for the cost of the upgrades, one could buy a sonically equivalent or superior new (or used) amp. I am sure the 125,225 and 500 are nice amps, but I belive a significant amount of the upgrade cost through SMc must be labor, since that is their main source of revenue. Therefore, wouldn't it be better if McCormack made a "Signature" series of these amps, which incorporates the upgrades and takes advantage of the lower cost of line-based assembly, rather than for consumers to have to pay SMc to both take apart the factory installed components then install the upgrades, just to get the desired performance. On the flip-side would be the low cost production of the Parasound JC-1 Halo, in which all the concievable modifications are incorporated into the design, and the assembly is performed in as low-cost a manner as possible (overseas). I am not advocating overseas production (in fact all of my components are American made), and I am not saying the Halo is a better amp than a modified McCormack, but simply pointing out the different production philosophies and the potentially high proportion of labor cost to sonic benefit of the upgrades associated with these McCormack amps.