Best Used Solid State Amp for less than $5000?

I'm sort of toying with the idea of upgrading my amp (threshold S300 - I know, its old) and the one amp that jumps out is the pass X250 which seems like it can be had for about $3000 to $3500 on the used market. Is there anything else that comes to mind? I can't afford the Tenor hybrids and even the Lamm SS's are about $7 to $9K. The rest of my system is as follows:

Fanfare FT-1
Parasound Ultra 2000 CD
Nakamichi DR1 deck
Stax Lamda phones
Sota Star table w / emt
Pass Aleph ono phono
Hales T8 loudspeakers

Would appreciate any suggestions you may have.
So many amplifiers, so little time....

I'm inclined to agree with John although for a slightly different reason. I really like the Plinius, but I think I would be tempted to run it mostly in Class A mode. Its not so much the disipation of heat I'm worried about, but the fact that more heat = more breakdowns + shorter component life.

What REALLY worries me is envisioning a situation of shipping the unit for repairs (assuming it can be done in the States and not have to go back to New Zealand).. We're talking 155# net (180# plus crated) here. Not exactly a day in the park. The Moon is at least manageable at 70#.

The thing I really am after is replicating a wide sound stage WITH depth. This brings me back to the Plinius and the Spectron. With the latter, I've become somewhat less enamored due to the fact that I've been told that you really need the Sense cables to get the most out of the amp. I'm looking at a long cable run (25'), and this could amount to a considerable expense.

Skropp, I will definitely check out the Classe' and the BAT's. Everyone, thanks again for the help and advise and happy (belated) new year to you.
Parasound Halo JC-1's vs Classe' CAM-350's: these amplifiers would seem to appeal to the same listeners in terms of power, configuration (eg mono design), and price. Has anyone done a direct comparision? Both are on my short list (PLinius SA-250, Pass x350 are the others)
Wow..Russellrcncom..are you still in the hunt for an amp since last Nov? I commend you for your patience and taking your time..My recommendation would be the Plinius amp because of the tremendous balance of this amp.From deep bass to sweet extended highs. Wide soudstage and tube like mids.Run it balanced if possible This amps hard to fault.-Ken
Hello Russelrcncom,

I have a customer who tried the JC-1's and CAM-350's (as well as a few other amps) in his system driving Sound Lab electrostats, and he ended up purchasing the JC-1's. That may or may not bear any relationship to how they sound with your Hales, but on the other hand should you one day decide to go with Sound Labs....

(Disclaimer of the obvious: I sell Sound Labs & JC-1's)


I agree with Duke- the jc-1's will out due the cam-350 in every area I am aware of comparing two amplifiers. Now the Omega that may be a different story, but that's not the case here. Arrange an audition on the jc-1's I think you will be surprised at how good these amps are, I am not just saying this because I own a pair either. I wouldn't have bought them had I not been "blown away" about there performance- believe the hype these are the real deal.